Yes, where it is legal to make your last will in handwriting, you can record your last will at home!
Most legal systems across the globe actually accept handwritten or “holographic” last wills : all you need is a piece of paper and a pen, and be sane. A handwritten last will has to be properly dated and signed, sometimes witnessed. It has to be made without being forced (free of coercion). The document also has to be found, of course.
Check the rules on (hand)written wills in your country on this EU-website powered by Notaries: or search the World Wide Web on “validity holographic will” in combination with the name of your country or state.
A lot of things can go wrong if you simply write down your own will :
- The original of your handwritten will is so well hidden, that nobody finds it…
- The wrong person finds it, and rips it apart…
- Rats or mice eat the best part of your will, or it disappears in a fire…
- There are several conflicting versions, and it is not clear which is the last one…
- Someone states that your handwriting is not yours…
- Someone contests your signature…
- A family member claims that you were out of your mind when signing…
- Your handwriting is unreadable…
Courts can invalidate any last will drafted in an unreadable handwriting, with a doubtful signature, date or place of signing, or generally made under suspicious circumstances.
For these reasons, you need a better solution: a good back-up in the form of a strong videowill (VideoTestament).
This app makes a simple audio & video recording of the making of your last will.
The resulting Video Testament shows :
- the absence of undue pressure (360° surround video of the room you are in…)
- the circumstances of your signing (your voice and facial expressions while reading …)
- that it was you who signed your last will and testament (your mental state while signing …)
- the time and place (your location with gps, 100% tamper-proof time & place-stamp…)
- the location where your written will is being kept (physical location of the original document …)
- photos of some supporting documents (bank & insurance documents, title deeds …)
- photos of special objects you are leaving to someone special
Your tablet becomes the most reliable witness of your written will.
Making a parallel videowill (VideoTestament) is a good idea: it strengthens your written will. Be aware that only the original handwritten version of your will has legal force. The videowill (VideoTestament) offers a more reliable backup, supplementary evidence that makes your last will and signature more traceable, safer and stronger. Your handwritten will becomes better documented. The recording benefits your heirs and beneficiaries, because it prevents legal disputes.
A videowill effectively helps to avoid disputes. It constitutes evidence for possible use in court. Courts appreciate this additional evidence, when you are no longer there to testify: they are less likely to misinterpret your will, reject signature and handwriting, or doubt the circumstances of your signing.
After being “videowitnessed”© or “videosigned”©, your last will is practically impossible to contest. Our team of legal and IT-experts is on standby, to testify in court on the features and legal force of the recording.
© ™ Legal Apps NV/SA- Brussels (EU)
Refer to your videowill on your written will, below the signature.
Your videowill can be kept on a smartphone, tablet, computer or memory-stick, making it easy to find.
Share the recording, but keep your password somewhere safe, e.g. in a bank safe or with your notary or lawyer or a person you can trust.
Keep the password confidential and separate from your recording.
The existence of your videowill never becomes public unless you want it to.
It can remain on your tablet or be stored on your smartphone, computer or memory-stick.
It is protected with a password, once it is saved.
Keep the password confidential and separate from your recording.
Just take your written will and record its content on video. The app guides you through the recording.
When finished, you can save the recording and secure it with a password.